The Kinabalu Park is Malaysia's First World Heritage Site and Mt. Kinabalu, the majestic summit of Borneo, is the focal point at 13,435 ft., and still growing at the rate of 5 mm a year.
The wandering nomads, Rhonda and Al.
The smallest bananas in the world.
The rare Rothschild's Slipper Orchid is found only in the park. There are 1,200 orchid species here, more than anywhere else in the world.

Necklace Orchid

Nepenthes Burbidgeae discovered here in 1858. A pitcher plant that is carnivorous in that insects drop into its sweet nectar interior and get digested in fed into the plant by way of the long stem extruding from the vessel itself. Have fun and look it up online because you'll never see anything quite like it.
South Korean beauties